Operational Platform managing a fleet of semi-autonomous drones exploiting GNSS high Accuracy and Authentication to improve Security & Safety in port areas.

This project has received funding from the European GNSS Agency (GSA), now European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101004234).

h2020 Passport
The purpose of the PASSport (Operational Platform managing a fleet of semi-autonomous drones exploiting GNSS high Accuracy and Authentication to improve Security & Safety in port areas) is to engineer and qualify a solution extending situational awareness to improve safety and security in port areas. The need comes from the directive 2005/65/CE asking to complement surveillance systems for all of the port area, in order to ensure a high and equal level of safety and security for all European ports. Around one thousand European ports fall within the scope of the directive. As a consequence, PASSport responds to the needs expressed by port authorities, harbour master and border control authorities which are active parties in the consortium and will be directly involved in the definition of the proposed solutions. Indeed, the proposed solution is about to complement already operational platforms extending the surveillance perimeter using a fleet of drones to provide innovation and operational support to the safety and security aspects of daily operations with particular attention to:
- Pollution monitoring (safety)
- Support to e-navigation (safety)
- Critical buildings/ Infrastructures protection (security)
- Protection against non-cooperative small craft approaching the port areas (security)
- Underwater threats monitoring (security)
PASSport solution: Extended situational awareness to feed security and safety management platform
PASSport system architecture:
PASSport Aerial Segment (PAS)
PASSport Underwater Segment (PUS)
PASSport Ground Segment (PGS)
External operational interfaces


Consortium partners
Consortium members
Involved European countries
Validation campaigns